Africa: Our Adventure in Kenya
Africa has been my dream for most of my life. I had long since given up on the idea, when a friend’s chance encounter with a friend of hers, sent us on a journey we hadn’t before imagined. A journey that began more than a year before the dream was realized. We spent a long time planning and anticipating and then, before we knew it, that time was here and we were in Africa. Was it everything I expected? Absolutely and more!
Africa is a land of extraordinary beauty and amazing contrasts. The high tech, side by side with extreme poverty; the modern in the midst of the primitive and old ways; shacks selling mobile phones where people still have to go to the river and carry water home.
African people are wonderful. Everyone we encounter is friendly, well-spoken and take great pride in their work and themselves. I learned early on that I have to suspend my sense of normal to understand their reality. They seem to have so little, but, knowing little of our world of excess, they don’t miss the conveniences we take for granted. They value what’s important: family, their children. Education is very important and no sacrifice seems too great to achieve an education for their children., who are the future. Our world can learn much from these very special people.
Our guides made the trip an unforgettable experience, takings us among the wildlife in ways we could not imagine. The animals! Our journey took us among beautiful and fascinating beasts n a world that has changed little since its beginning.
In Kenya, the animals take your breath away, not just because of their beauty, but the sheer numbers of them. It is teeming with animals and it confounds the mind how many species are living amongst each other in relative harmony. The phrase that keeps coming to my mind over and over is “sensory overload”. Every time we turn around, there is something to astound and amaze. The magnificent elephants, the towering giraffe, the funny, kind of goofy looking, but so very dangerous hippos. Most surprising is the docile rhino. Most glorious are the lions; King of the Jungle and boy, do they live up to their name. They own this place; calmly walking their turf, oblivious to the game trucks and curious tourists; unfazed by the constant click of the cameras. They are the epitome of cool! And there are the other, less well known, but by no means lesser species, too numerous to remember them all, but all made this a memorable experience.
Sue Scott
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Phone: 714-985-3465